For the soulmates that focus on the journey

Meet Ruby

Ruby is a part of the Blooms on Darby family. She is in love, wild and free – living for each moment. Being the free spirit that she is, you won’t find her searching for the perfect shade of pink or the must have rose.

You will find her on an adventure with her lover, enjoying early mornings and walks in nature, plenty of red wine, dinners surrounded by friends and long late night conversations with those closest to her. She’s choosing to marry her lover because of love – why else!

Ruby was born to remind us that love is in the hand holding, the side glances and the whispered words – not the embellished images on small screens.

Ruby is looking for the ones like her.

What we offer

What you’ll find here is your one-stop online shop for wedding bouquets, buttonholes, flower crowns and corsages. We can even do up some posy jars for you to decorate too. Each item has a focus on what’s in season, with optional add-ons to customise your blooms. All purchased online and delivered on your wedding day by a team with over 30+ years of wedding experience.

With a focus on quality, full visibility and half-a-lifetime of experience, it’s now all about the show stopper blooms. The ones that appear in every candid photo, the ones that are with you for all the celebratory hugs and dancing, the ones that make your heart sing with their beauty. 

Now that you’re all over it…

Go ahead and place an order!

Still have questions?

Slide into our DMs or send us a message!